25 Temmuz 2018 Çarşamba

answering ex-muslims

true informations about islam - Blogger***

  Muslim leaving Islam can happened with the same cause like Christian leaving Christianity or Buddhist leaving Buddhism or even atheist leaving atheism. Peoples can leave any religion to another religion or even become atheist and skeptic about religion.
It is not a big deal for Islam since Islam give the freedom for human to choose to follow or to leave religion.
Being a Muslim need a strong commitment. Praying 5 times per day is not easy for some peoples but for some others it is like doing the having meal ritual 3 times per day. Not only praying, Islam request commitment for Muslim to keep faith with become a total Muslim by doing all the mandatory things and avoid the forbidden things. Even also recommended to add with additional rituals. All of these is to keep the relationship between Muslim and God become intense and to keep Muslim to avoid doing bad things.
Peoples who cannot commit on these high commitment or with some other reason can leave Islam.

However I believe that ratio between practicing Muslim and Muslim by identity is the highest among religions. It is predicted that in UK in 2020 the total number of Muslim attending Friday sermon is exceeding the total number of Christian attending Sunday mass, even Muslim in UK is less than 5% of total population in UK (More attending mosques than Mass by 2020).
“Indeed, Islaam began as something strange, and it will return to being strange just as it began, so glad tidings of paradise be for the strangers.” (Muhammad SWA)
 Muslims view this as a sign of the end of times where knowledge will decrease and very few people will be following the religion.

 “why few Muslims are leaving Islam”.
For that, the answer is simple. Where there are 1.8 billion people following a specific school of thought, there are always few people who may find it not fit based on many different reasons.
The point is: There were always ex-Muslims, there are always ex-Muslims, and there always will be ex Muslims.. Just like there were always ex-Christians, Ex-Hindus, Ex-Jews, ex-Buddhists, and ex-Atheists… etc..
Here is one example:

Interestingly, when Christian Europe has slowly shifted toward Atheism, China is moving with much faster rate towards religion at the same time. Funny, isn’t it?
The point is: When few Muslims or Christians are leaving religion for atheism at one place, the atheists are choosing the same religion at another place. We are almost 8 billion people, and there are always people who will switch ideologies of their parents. We are not robots after all and we all think differently.
A week ago, a popular anti-Islam leader of AFD in Germany converted to Islam. The same happened in Netherlands, where an anti-Islam politician converted to Islam.
The number of converts is very high compared to Muslims becoming atheists. Islam is fastest growing religion all over the word.
Some Statistics

As you have failed to provide any statistics on which you based your question, and made a false assumption, let me provide you some statistics.
India: In 1951, there were only 9% Muslims in India, but in 2011, there were 15% Muslims. Gradually eating up a segment of Hinduism that decreased from 86% to 79% at the same time.
UK: In 1961, there were only 0.11% Muslims in UK, but according to 2011 census, there were 5% Muslims.
Such shift is visible in almost 80% of the countries where other religions are losing segment of their population to Muslims

People who leaves Islam, mainly become atheists. It’s not like they left Islam for Christianity, Hinduism or Judaism. If it’s the case, most of them are for marriage purpose or getting citizenship of certain countries. People go to USA, want to marry a girl. Girl tells him to become Christian. They leave their own identity to get a beautiful girl, USA citizenship. These people are like parasites, the lowest level creatures on earth. They will do anything to get a citizenship.

Leaving Islam for atheism is like leaving any other religion for atheism. It’s mostly worldly reason. You can drink as much as you want, sleep with whomever you want. No bound, no restriction. That’s the main reason. ‘Atheism’ bla bla all are just made-up ideologies to pursue this goal. Another reason is that they never read the Quran from a believing heart. They never realized what the true meaning was. They get their ideas about Islam from atheist blogs, facebook posts or other anti-Islamic sites. You can’t decide about a religion being biased. You want to fuck hot girls, so you will believe anything that’s on internet supporting that. Nothing surprising.

Let’s talk about what will happen to Islam then. The answer is Nothing. Absolutely nothing. It was prophesied by Hazarat Muhammad (SAW) 1400 years ago. It’s a sign of the end time. At the end time there will not even be a single believer of Allah on the earth. Allah knows these type of people would arise. That’s why He planned it like it. So, the more these fake believers leave our religion, the more good it is for us. Islam was never concerned about quantity, it was always about quality. We had only 300 people in army vs 10,000 Quraish army. All Muslims had was deep faith in Allah in their heart. Still Muslims won. Cause they were pure at heart. Their belief was strong as Iron. So, quantity wasn’t ever a concern for us. It’s all about the quality.

In Christianity, you will always hear a saying, ‘Jesus died for your sin’. It means if you believe this, you can do whatever sin you want cause Jesus died for your sin. It’s like scapegoat. In other religion you can see this concept too. In Islam, there is no concept of these bullsh*t. If you commit a crime, you have to ask forgiveness for it otherwise, you yourself will have to be punished for it. No other person can repent for you. So, if you leave Islam, you will bear the result. Nothing matters to us.

 İslam always discouraged worldly enjoyment. It’s mostly spiritual. You will die one day for sure. Nothing is reasonless. Everything in this universe has been made for a reason, everything was pre-planned and calculated to the exact. You may believe it or not. You can live your life as you want. But remember, a man who enjoys the life and who doesn’t, can never get the same result. Obviously there are 2 different result waiting for them.

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true informations about islam - Blogger***




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