I'm sure there are those that are geniunly ex Muslims and there are alot of fake ex Muslims as well.
I've seen some answers from “so called ex muslims” and you can see in their answers that these people have never been muslim in their life.
In the end i feel sorry for them because they spend so much time creating a fake account to post fake answers, thier lives must be so sad and boring that they would go to such lengths just to get views or entertain themselves.
If you an ex muslim then that's your choice and it should be respected but if you a fake ex muslim then you need a shrink because clearly some things wrong with you.
As the current attack upon Muslim blocs in the world is still continuing, new techniques are seen to being employed day by day. Members of Western societies are constantly being subliminally bombarded, literally being shelled with hate messages towards the current politically manmade enemy: Muslims. As this is seen as some sort of religious warfare by far-right religious and media cooperation’s, it is quite obvious that like any war, the “technology” and “techniques” being used must be brought up to date. As the Islamophobia Industry is renewing its “artillery” of falsehood, a new set of freedom-fighter type figures are being placed towards the frontlines, these being Fake Ex-Muslims.
As the current attack upon Muslim blocs in the world is still continuing, new techniques are seen to being employed day by day. Members of Western societies are constantly being subliminally bombarded, literally being shelled with hate messages towards the current politically manmade enemy: Muslims. As this is seen as some sort of religious warfare by far-right religious and media cooperation’s, it is quite obvious that like any war, the “technology” and “techniques” being used must be brought up to date. As the Islamophobia Industry is renewing its “artillery” of falsehood, a new set of freedom-fighter type figures are being placed towards the frontlines, these being Fake Ex-Muslims.
With these new freedom-fighters coming towards the frontlines, the world population often quite sees how disoriented their arguments are with how they “converted back” back to their previous religions, which can clearly be seen in the arguments of prominent fake ex-Muslims such as Ergun Caner, Wafa Sultan, Walid Shoebat and Kamal Saleem, trying to “guide the community back to the straight path” when in fact they are clearly sowing hate messages in the subliminal mind.
To combat these new-age crusaders, we should get to know them more closely, as to who they are, what their aims and motives are, and the techniques these new age fighters employ. It is surprising to note these public figures trying to “guide” society having come out into the spotlight post 9/11, as this timing clearly un-blankets their motives and agenda’s; trying to cause chaos and havoc between Muslims and peoples of the other faiths resulting in the social adhesive between societies deteriorating and weakening.
A continuous false linkage is made between Islam and so called “terrorism” by these far-right crusaders, with the backing of far-right media cooperation’s and groups such as Fox. Radical groups such as Al-Qaida and (The Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham) ISIS are always brought forward to the public eye, to portray a minority group as the majority of Muslims, a comparison of their arguments could be like blaming the sins of the tyrant Hitler on the whole German population.
It can clearly be seen that the claims and accusations of these hate filled right wing legionnaires are built upon bogus, counterfeit and falsehood. The populace should be attentive and mindful of these feigned right-wing crusaders whose main aims are to cause disruption within the social order of society and to financially fill their own pockets with the money and tax paid by the general public
You have probably heard or viewed similar stories where “ex” Muslims suddenly convert to something else. I think that using actors to present themselves as “ex” somethings is a very common tactic of preachers from all walks of life. But in the West, this tactic is like a plague. In the video below, this “ex” Muslims makes some false allegations:
- At 4 minutes and 30 seconds he says: “Allah is not a healer. Muhammad is not a healer.” This is 100% false! In fact, Muslims are encouraged to pray to and believe Allah is the ONLY healer! There are many of supplications for health and one most famous called “ruqya” is usually used for mental health sickness.
- 4 min 42 seconds Nasir says “I was afraid of death….I did not know what was on the other side.” Qur’an is full of descriptions of the other side, what happens to us when we die, as are hadiths (written traditions attributed to Prophet Muhammad pbuh). If he was a devout Muslim, how come he did not know about the Other Side?
- 5 minutes 2 seconds: “God, if you are real do not let me die!” That is what Nasir cried out. Any devout Muslim knows that to Allah SWT we all return eventually, that this life is short. If he was a true believer, there was nothing to fear and a true Muslim believer submits himself to the Will of Allah SWT (submission to the Will of Allah=Islam).In fact, whenever a Muslim person dies, his friends, neighbors and relatives say: “For Allah SWT we lived, and to Allah SWT we shall return.” It’s like Christian saying: “rest in peace,” except that we Muslims remind each other that to God we all return. Qur’an also reminds people frequently of this too
- 5 minutes 3+ seconds “Allah did not come…”: no true Muslim believes that Allah SWT can manifest physically! Therefore, he should not have expect Allah SWT to be seen at the moment of death!
- 5min 11 seconds +: a figure appears at the end of his bed and Nasir knows “it is Jesus.” Now, mind you, at the very beginning of the video this guy tells us he suffered brain damage! He was probably pumped lots of meds too. I suspect that he, if this is a real story, hallucinated!
- Note that throughout the video he keeps saying “Moslems:” A true Muslim knows that is not how to pronounce “Muslim.” It is pronounced as “Mooslim.”
- The story gets more supernatural LOL: not only did “Jesus” heal him, his wife, now his brother gets raised from the dead at 21 minutes in the video! “Amazing.”
Fake Converts to Christianity - Discovering Islam
Yusha Evans - Encounter with fake Ex Muslims and their tricks and ...
Quite a lot of Muslims are unaware of Ali Sina, who claims to be an ex-Muslim and carries a fake name, while living in Canada, a safe place and no one has seen him or met him. He even claims to have a Ph.D. and is known as Dr. Ali Sina. I don't know how can a Western University grant Ph.D to a fake person, entitling himself to be called Dr. Ali Sina.
The man does not know and does not understand Arabic at all. Here is a note to let all know how he twists and turns verses of Qur'aan after reading translations in English:

At the link, http://www.faithfreedom.org, Ali Sina wrote:
"Yep! We Were Hacked." He wrote something very laughable and coming from him, it sounds so ridiculous:
"We are particularly grateful to our companion in arms Mr. Robert Spencer for announcing in http://www.Jihadwatch.com that FFI has been hacked."
(Bold emphasis is mine)
He goes on to say: "Muslims feel helpless and are aware of their inability to respond to our arguments. That is not because we are smarter or are more learned than them. The reason we are unbeatable is because we speak the truth. If you tell the truth, you can confront the entire world and win all the time."
And then comes the laughable from this man who does not even know and understand Arabic: "What do you expect of a people who worship none but the Khairul Makerin, the Best Deceiver, as their god?"
Ali Sina, who has been fooling the world, does not know that the famous Western translators in English have not at all translated what he claims. It sends a clear message to the world that Ali Sina is a fraud, supported by polemic evangelists and other Islam haters.
I suggest Ali Sina copies and pastes the verse on Khairul-Maakayreen, on his own site in caps, from all the English translations, quoting each Western and other translators for the world to see that he is the only one who fraudulently twisted and turned a verse of Qur'aan. If he is honest about his conviction, he should do this, close his site and go down and live in a Senile hole.
If Ali Sina thinks he is true, then I hope to see him discuss and clear this issue, which of course he cannot. His own attacks are making him weaker and I don't think he would dare post any translations that use the word "Deceiver". What is happening is that his attacks are not only making Muslims stronger but also are making his goons and other Westerners seriously think that the man Ali Sina is a liar and that he misquotes verses of Qur'aan purposely for his own agenda.
He talks about his last debate with one mujahid, whom, he calls a terrorist and writes: Khairul Makerin:
The Best Deceiver
"Yep! We Were Hacked." He wrote something very laughable and coming from him, it sounds so ridiculous:
"We are particularly grateful to our companion in arms Mr. Robert Spencer for announcing in http://www.Jihadwatch.com that FFI has been hacked."

He goes on to say: "Muslims feel helpless and are aware of their inability to respond to our arguments. That is not because we are smarter or are more learned than them. The reason we are unbeatable is because we speak the truth. If you tell the truth, you can confront the entire world and win all the time."
And then comes the laughable from this man who does not even know and understand Arabic: "What do you expect of a people who worship none but the Khairul Makerin, the Best Deceiver, as their god?"
Ali Sina, who has been fooling the world, does not know that the famous Western translators in English have not at all translated what he claims. It sends a clear message to the world that Ali Sina is a fraud, supported by polemic evangelists and other Islam haters.
I suggest Ali Sina copies and pastes the verse on Khairul-Maakayreen, on his own site in caps, from all the English translations, quoting each Western and other translators for the world to see that he is the only one who fraudulently twisted and turned a verse of Qur'aan. If he is honest about his conviction, he should do this, close his site and go down and live in a Senile hole.
If Ali Sina thinks he is true, then I hope to see him discuss and clear this issue, which of course he cannot. His own attacks are making him weaker and I don't think he would dare post any translations that use the word "Deceiver". What is happening is that his attacks are not only making Muslims stronger but also are making his goons and other Westerners seriously think that the man Ali Sina is a liar and that he misquotes verses of Qur'aan purposely for his own agenda.
He talks about his last debate with one mujahid, whom, he calls a terrorist and writes: Khairul Makerin:
The Best Deceiver
By Ali Sina
There is a verse in the Quran that says �they deceived and Allah deceived and Allah is the best deceiver.� (Q. 3:54)
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Why would an all powerful God want to deceive, is something that only Muhammad can think of. Certainly, might and deception are oxymoronic. A God that resorts to deception, can't be almighty. The entire career of Muhammad was filled with deception, lies, manipulations and tricks. He even licensed his followers to malign him in order to win the trust of their victims and when they lower their guards assassinate them."
Let us extend this challenge to Ali Sina and ask him to explain and prove that the above verse means what he says.
Love is more beautiful than the hate that you are generating with your foul tactics, Ali Sina. Islam will be there for more than thirty years, in fact it will be there forever. It is you who will return to your Creator within the next thirty years. LOL! Anta lil-laahe wa anta ilaihay ra'ajay. Did you understand this Ali Sina?
There is a verse in the Quran that says �they deceived and Allah deceived and Allah is the best deceiver.� (Q. 3:54)
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Why would an all powerful God want to deceive, is something that only Muhammad can think of. Certainly, might and deception are oxymoronic. A God that resorts to deception, can't be almighty. The entire career of Muhammad was filled with deception, lies, manipulations and tricks. He even licensed his followers to malign him in order to win the trust of their victims and when they lower their guards assassinate them."

Let us extend this challenge to Ali Sina and ask him to explain and prove that the above verse means what he says.
Love is more beautiful than the hate that you are generating with your foul tactics, Ali Sina. Islam will be there for more than thirty years, in fact it will be there forever. It is you who will return to your Creator within the next thirty years. LOL! Anta lil-laahe wa anta ilaihay ra'ajay. Did you understand this Ali Sina?

1. Fake former Muslims are used to deceive unsuspecting Muslims who are not knowledgeable about Islam. It is a tactic that makes Muslims more open to the proselytizing efforts of Missionaries, thus making them prime for conversion. Dramatizations using actors pretending to be ex-Muslims are used as authorities on Islam. Anyone with a cursory familiarity recognizes the deceptiveness of this tactic.
2. Muslims who are either very secular and not very knowledgeable or are non-practicing/cultural Muslims, meaning Muslims in name only, are propped up as experts on Islam. Further scrutiny reveals their “criticism” of Islam to be lifted, sometimes verbatim, from anti-Muslim ideologues, websites, books , and other materials.
3. Obvious frauds who were never Muslim are trotted out as experts on Islam, ostensibly providing the audience with an insider’s view of the reality of Islam. Further investigation reveals the falsity of their claims. Islamophobia seems to be big business on the way to being socially mainstream, yet time and time again we have seen these so-called Muslims exposed as frauds, so-called experts who can’t even get fundamental facts about Islam straight. Examples include atheist Wafa Sultan who is an atheist raised as an Alawi, pretending to be Muslim; Mehmet Ergun Caner trying to pretend to speak Arabic to unsuspecting American audiences, deceiving them to the contents of Qur’an, hadith, and bungling simple details that a 3-year-old Muslim child would get right; Walid Shoebatpretending to be a former terrorist, exposed as a liar about his extremist past; and Mark A. Gabriel, a supposed former Al-Azhar scholar and imam, who lifts Orientalist and Christian Missionary polemics and misinformation almost verbatim.
4. In an ongoing effort to present Extremist Muslims as representative of normative Islam, we are presented with former extremists, who all of a sudden are to be considered ‘alim. Since when is extremism(ghuluw) Islam?
5. Anonymous supposed ex-Muslims such as “Ibn Warraq” and “Dr” “Ali Sina” are presented as experts on Islam. The dangers of steeping outside the tradition of Islam in order to understand it are well-known, as it invariably leads to extremism of many types, but how are we really sure that anonymous people claiming to be former Muslims, display( via islamophobiatv )
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